Thursday, March 27, 2008

Antique dealers

Although I have attended my share of antique auctions, it is not my favorite way to buy collectibles. You see, at an antique auction the crowd is too rowdy, the room is too crowded, and you have to make a decision too quickly. This is why antique auctions make money – people are used to making snap decisions, and often are conned into paying more than a product is worth. I would rather go to an antique store any day of the week. At antique stores, you see, You get a more personal experience. You can actually talk to the antique dealers at your leisure. You can look at all the wares an antique dealer has, find out where they're from, ask any questions that you have, and in short, make a slow informed decision. People who like to make snap judgments do great at auctions, but give me a good antique book store any day of the week.

The problem with antique dealers is that it can be really difficult to find out where the best prices are. At antique auctions, the price is determined by the crowd. You can figure out what people are buying, what people value, and what things are worth. With antique dealers, however, you are more or less at the mercy of the shopkeeper. Unless you are a true expert on antiques, it is a risky business to buy something from an antique dealer. This is why you have to understand what reasons you are buying for, and get the necessary guarantees.

For example, if you go to antique dealers purely for the pleasure of their wares, don't worry about it. As long as you're not buying antiques that are too pricey, you should pay what you think they are worth because of their appearance. If, on the other hand, you go to antique dealers to make a valuable investment, you should probably bring an expert along with you. Many antique dealers will agree to hold a particular item for you for a day or two. If you can find an antique appraiser, they can come in and take a look and tell you what it is worth. Alternately, there are some antique associations that certify antique dealers. If an antiques dealer is honest, they will get a good rating. Although this method is not reliable one hundred percent of the time, it is better than any other system I have come across.

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